Fauna Movement Solutions

B4C works with groups, organisations and government to help achieve positive environmental outcomes for wildlife survival via overpasses/underpasses and other fauna movement solutions.

Logan Enhancement Project

This project is located within the Queensland Government’s designated ecological and conservation corridor (or green belt) linking the Karawatha Forest to the Flinders Range. In November 2016, the Queensland Government approved the plan by the Environmental Reference Group (ERG) to provide fauna movement solutions for this major environmental corridor as part of Transurban’s Logan Enhancement Project.
Fact Sheet – Final concept design – environmental outcomes (PDF)

Environmental Reference Group (ERG)

The Environmental Reference Committee, led by B4C, was formed to liaise with Transurban, make the fauna movement submission to Transurban. It will continue to work with Transurban and the contractors.

  • Wayne Cameron (B4C, Brisbane Catchments Network)
  • Ray Ison (WPSQ, Karawatha Forest Protection Society)
  • Darryl Jones (Griffith University)
  • Mel McGregor (PhD Candidate)
  • David Forde (President, Karawatha Forest Protection Society)
  • Paula Ross (Secretary, Karawatha Forest Protection Society)
  • Jill Fechner (Karawatha Forest Protection Society

Fauna Movement Solutions Map

The following map shows locations for the exclusive fencing, signs, glider pole, rope bridge, underpass and overpass provided as part of the original submission. Click on the map below to view full size.

Logan Enhancement Project fauna movement map

Timeline & related updates

November 2016: CPB Contractors given contract to take the Logan Enhancement Project into detailed design and construction.

August 2016: Prof Darryl Jones discusses road ecology solutions at B4C Open Day.

October 2015: Announced that the Queensland Government had decided to progress Transurban Queensland’s proposal to deliver vital upgrades to the Logan Motorway and Gateway Extension.

Facilitating Wildlife Movements in South East Queensland (9mb PDF)
Scientific justification for overpass constructions at Drewvale (Logan Motorway and Gateway Arterial Motorway). By Mel McGregor and Darryl Jones (Environmental Futures Research Institute, Griffith University)


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