Accenture hands-on for environment

Accenture have been a great force for good for our local environment.

After having done some plantings with us, Accenture contacted us when the first lot of COVID lockdowns hit to see how they could help us remotely. And so we teamed up again and Accenture assisted with the creation of our online shop thanks to their tech staff members volunteering.

Accenture have also got hands-on with some of our ‘Remade at B4C’ sessions, marking up and cutting fabric. Some of them even jumped on sewing machines and produced bags and bunting.

They also funded and participated in two planting and weeding events at Minnippi.

As well as getting 100s of plants into the ground at each event, they were power weeders – filling up our ute to capacity!

Most recently they have embarked on Industrial Landcare – with our Gibson Island Rehabilitation Project. They funded and participated in a planting and clean-up there.

The Accenture crew have been genuinely proactive, energetic and helpful for the local environment.

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