In early March 55 people gathered at the Gibson Island Rehabilitation Project site for a big clean-up, sponsored by Visy.
A big variety of items were collected, keeping them away from the greenspace and water.
Regulars such as Visy, Powerlink, Incitec Pivot, Energex, APA and Port of Brisbane were there. Energex have confirmed that they will clear the next section ready for planting for us. We were joined again by the industrious Cr Lisa Atwood.
And it was great to welcome Seymour White and Fortescue Future Industries to industrial landcare activities with us. Paul Cusack from Brisbane City Council Litter Prevention program attended again with lots of gear and advice. Thank you to the awesome B4C volunteers who joined in too.
We have the wonderful folk from Accenture funding and undertaking a planting and clean-up there at the end of March.
There will be another Industrial Landcare planting event at Gibson Island on Thursday 22nd June. It’s open to everyone so mark it in your diary! It will be sponsored by Industrial Landcare partner Incitec Pivot. We’ll publish details for that shortly and we look forward welcoming you back there!